A look at the aesthetics beyond the apparently profane.
A slowed-down view of the beauties of the world.
A look at the lure of wanton perspective
in innocent landscape light.
Subjective glances that want to be conquered and give rise to questions.
A stimulating contrast in a house of facts and figures.
It is always worth THE SECOND VIEW.
For the opening of the exhibition on September 4, 2019, numerous guests came to the large hall of the Sparkasse's headquarters in Detmold.
Many thanks to the other photographers Ulrich Heinemann and Andreas Fuchs, the entertaining and interesting presentation in interview format by Jens-Olaf Buhrdorf / WDR and the great musical accompaniment by Fritz Krisse.
We would also like to thank the Sparkasse Paderborn-Detmold, who made the exhibition possible: Arnd Paas, Andreas Totz, Dirk Kastrup and Elmo Spieß.
Especially Dirk Kastrup had a lot of patience with faulty invitations, schedules that were changed at the last minute etc.
Last but not least thanks to Jürgen Heitland / technikreativ for the sound engineering at the event and Patrick Pantze and Studio Hesterbrink for the prints.
We would be happy if the Sparkasse would make the large customer hall available more often for cultural events, the room is really suitable because of its height and the additional gallery on the sides.
Keep it up!